Story about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome , Hidradenitis Suppurativa.

My story

Jun 29, 2016

By: Scarlet

I have been officially diagnosed with PCOS since I was 18, but the problems started almost as soon as I got my period. It was heavy and painful and my mood swings were awful!!! 

I have my first transvaginal ultrasound at 19 along with bloods, and told that there was very little chance I would get pregnant without IVF. I WAS HEART BROKEN. I was with a new boyfriend (who is now husband) and he was extremely supportive. I didn't seek any counselling or help, instead I grieved. I grieved for the children I would never have, I grieved for myself, and for my partner. I was angry and bitter, and the world and its wife was pregnant with no problem, everyone but me. 

We stopped bothering to worry about pregnancy, because it was never going to happen. My periods were all over the place. Months between, days between, lasting a fortnight, or just days. Then whilst at university in my second year I had my first miscarriage.

I started seeing a craniosacral osteopath, and she changed my view of the world and my health and my life. I became more determined that I would not be defeated.  I started looking into alternative therapies as a way to defeat infertility. 

Fast forward to August 2013 and our very rushed wedding so that we could move to America. I was having regular massage and taking prenatal vitamins to try balance my hormones with the hope that maybe, just maybe, I might not have a beard for my wedding day (I had to shave it off on my wedding day morning). We had a military wedding and I let myself be a bride, not the woman who couldn't have children. 

Low and behold, my period came before the wedding only 8weeks later than it should have been. And on that wedding night, we concieved naturally... 

this is time it wasn't chemical. I didn't miscarry, I was pregnant. Properly pregnant, finally a viable pregnancy! we were over the moon. I opted to have as natural of a delivery as possible; I wanted to savour every moment of it! I had a water birth, with no pain relief. At 01.05am on Monday 19th of May 2014, Savannah Grace-Marie came into this world, with her waters still intact. She was 8lb 3oz of perfect.

we decided we would start trying for number 2 when she was only 6 months old. In our mind it would again, take years for us to fall pregnant. I studied aromatherapy, focusing in infertility, and got my certificate to start treating others with essential oils. Whilst doing this I self treated to balance hormones and regulate my cycle. It wasn't a quick process, but within six months I had an almost normal cycle (for me) between 30-45 days!!

i started looking at holistic health and well being and researching. I started treatment on myself and my husband to try improve our chances. I treated a Systemic Candida infection which is linked to PCOS, but doctors don't test for it, nor try to prevent it. I started treating my Hydradenitis Supuravita, which is somewhat under control now. I changed my diet, and started meditating more and removing stresses from my life. 

We found out I was pregnant in June 2015, I got a strong positive, and before I knew it, that baby was gone, and it hit me hard. It wasn't a chemical, I just lost my baby. It was my first proper miscarriage where I could see my baby after. 

Another big shocker in July, I was pregnant again and due in April! Again, naturally. I struggled with Braxton Hicks all the way through. At 35 weeks pregnant, on the day before Mothers Day they were really bad. But I went out for a long walk with my mum, grandma, brothers, husband and daughter, and then we went out for tea, and they'd only got worse. My mum made me go to hospital, so I took Savannah to hers and tucked her in bed. Went go,e and called the hospital who weren't concerned. At 4am I decided I had better go get checked. 

At 08:12am I gave birth to my 5 week premature Rainbow baby, Grayson Cory. He was scrawny and weighed 6lb 2oz. We were let home after 3 terrifying days of not knowing whether he would make it. He has now caught up in size and weight, and is the normal size of a normal full term baby of the same age!


I now still study infertility and continue my progress in aromatherapy specialising it infertility. This coincides with my holistic health studies, again focusing on PCOS and Hydradenitis Supuruvita. I test all my theories on myself and back in up with as much evidence as I can find. I am always happy and available to help anyone in need. 


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