High Way Thru Hell......

Dec 2, 2

By: Faith

   I have struggled with sleep issues since my mid-teens. For the last 10 years I have been mis-diagnosed with some disease or other and dealing with treament after treatment that didn't work. During my late 20's I had my 2 kids. I had complications with both pregnancies....still no one addressed my sleep issues. Finally, after I had my youngest and almost dying after delivery, which turned into a week long hospital stay, someone noticed my lack of breathing at night. I had a sleep study done and was told I was "Fine".

   So, now 8 years later in a new city with a new Dr. I had another sleep study done. The sleep study showed that I stop breathing 150 times a night for 40 seconds each time and my O2 saturation drops to 79%. Needless to say, I was upset!By the time these results came thru my Dr. had gotten access to my first sleep study results.....They were the same!!!! My Dr. immediately refered my to a sleep specialist. I had an appointment with in the week. He prescribed CPAP.....I am now in week 2 of treatment. I started with a nasal mask but because my nose is very small that didn't work. I just met with my Therapist today and got the nasal pillow. So, I am hoping week 2 goes better. 

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