Story about Cyclic vomiting syndrome .

Missing the Signs,

Feb 13, 2016

By: Roxi

Hi,I am Roxi ,I was born with CVS> as  a new born baby I puked. The drs. all thought itwas formula, or vitamins. But Iwould vomit for a day and it would be done. It carried on into my childhood years.I was always in trouble for vomiting, my mother thought i was doing it on purpose to spoil a event . As I would vomit before going to anything. and sometimes again in the car. I would vomit in my plate at dinner even. My Parents were told by the doctors my body was growing to fast for my internal organs, funny I was always on the small side, only 5'2 now and not overweight now. But was small as a child. When sports started Iwould get excited nervous as we all did annd I would vomit, and then usually passout-dehydration I am sure. So no great achievements from gym class or extra sports.But I was drawn to the water. A great swimmer in High School  and college. Now I know why people with CVS feel better in the water .

Married Life - got pregnate at 19 , I vomited non stop. even vomited with ever contraction. Then I got a few years off nothing till i was in my late 40's but I have never been able to drink achohl  a lot because if I did vomit it was going to trigger a 2 day puke a thon. Also had what thought  to believe was food poisoning a few times with hospitilazation

I had some huge stresses! Job,kids and someone close to me who tried to commit sucide. And the cvs camein like a hurricane. I spent every holiday, birthday , it felt like 2 years solid in the hospital. I have almost lost my life to CVS. It has taken them up to 15 hours to stabilize me to even move to icu. 

One of the trips to Munson Medical Hospital. I was laying curled up in a ball as my stomach hurt so bad, and they were going to prep me for surgery , they thought maybe the stomach had turned and this doctor our of no where bolted and and said stop . your not cutting on her , SHe had CVS , you could have heard a pin drop as no one in the room knew what that was . Including me. I was put in for the next 6 days . But I owe this man my life. So I live with this everyday , it is so severe I cant work. I was able to hire a attorney and get my disability. As there is no way I could hold a job. I have lost a lot of friends from having CVS. As you cant be the person they want you to be. And you just cant do the things you used to do. I am blessed tobe married to a great guy .But I feel guilty for what I put him threw. No one should have to live with this. 

Now my grand daughter suffers from CVS she is 9. She is in the early stages right now, 

If anyone needs help I will be glad to help if you have questions. 

What works for me that has kept me out of the hospital 

Ondonastran placed under the tongue 

Zanex under the tongue

A darkened room, quiet, soft music, dish network has spa music 

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