Eating very spicy things containing Capsaicin during a flare. (Trigeminal Neuralgia)
Blessed with the time to deal with it now
My heating pad!!
Find a good Dr
Being gentle with myself, keeping my heart rate down,
walking with my dog every day
Supports groups and my family.
A doctor who listens, believes and truly wanna help you
Ice has been a lifesaver.
New medication
Certainly not the Doctors here in VA
Voltaren medicine
Finding hobbies that fit my physical abilities.
After 2 brain surgeries, my severe headaches/migraines aren’t as frequent. I still have daily headaches but the daily severe headaches/migraines are less frequent.
knowing i have a priceless husband that will always be here for me no matter how bad my SM gets.
fitness 3 times a week.
Tens Unit
Mantenerme activo a pesar de los continuos dolores
Physical therapy, if you don't use it you lose it.
Gave up meat and fish (following a vegetarian diet)
Alongamento diário
My independence
Finding a pain management Dr that wants to help manage my pain
still struggling with medical care but have gained some ground
Medical Marijuana & Cannabis Oil
Not working
Positive thinking
Low dose naltrexone
Inse att skiten finns och bli en god vän med skiten.
Utan mina barn hade livet stått still
Pilates has helped my muscles loosen up.
My diagnosis helped answer so many questions I had!
Riding my horse
I use medical cannabis indica only
Avoid to much stress
Los masajes me ayudan muchisimo a disminuir el dolor de los hombros
Getting off the prescriptions that we’re not helping and giving my body time
Always Rest.
stay active and do stretching
2 Lidocaine infusions. These reduced my pain significantly
Stop getting stressed out over my illness
My mother really helps me keep going
Better pain meds
My gp is wonderfully understanding