Story about Visual Snow .


Jun 1, 2017

I've had VS, I believe my entire life.  I was tested for vision issues when I was young as I appeared to have issues seeing the blackboard, etc.  My vision is perfect according to the tests they perform. 

I didn't realize what this was until around 10 years ago when I asked a co-worker, who had pretty poor vision, do they see static in their vision.  They looked at me quite strange and that's when I started seeking answers. 

My first appointments yielded what I already knew, there is nothing wrong with my vision itself.  So I was referred to the neuro-ophthalmologist.  The typical answer of migraine with aura infarction was the cause.  All tests, etc that were run came back with nothing.  I asked about this visual snow which I read about on a post before it started being researched. 

Since then I was referred to a neurologist which is a collegue with Dr. Goadsby and is aware of the disorder.  Of course nothing can be done but at least he was aware of it.  So after 35 years of living with a disorder, finally I knew what it was. 

I've learned to live with the symptoms.  I've battled depression and was "passive" suicidal for a while.  I've worked with my doctor and am leading a mostly happy and productive life. 

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