The thought of Being able to wake up or live another beautiful day
150 asap in the am
The Heavens above, my family and a small handful of friends.Hydrocortisone, Solu-Cortef, and salt!
Finding nutritional deficiencies has made a big difference
Being correctly diagnosed!
Help understanding and care from my loved ones
Higher dose of hydrocortisone less spacing
Vegeterian food and healthy lifestyle
Scheduling my steroid dosing according to the circadian rhythm and take DHEA to maintain energy throughout the day.
I'm fairly stable now, being over 2 years since diagnosis
Massage twice a week
I ALWAYS take my meds on time and never miss a dose. Several alarms to remind me.
Vit b and c supplements and magnesium
Taking my meds everyday, I was a teenager when I was dx.
accepting my weaknesses and being grateful for the good things in life
splitting cortef dose into 4 doses daily
take your tablets everyday and always carry spares
Getting in bed by 10 every night. This way I'm not tired all day
Eating Gluten free and low carb
Warm Showers and use heating blankets in painful areas
Switch from Prednisone to Hydrocortisone made such a difference
Having the support of my friends and family
.I can be the healthiest sick person in the world.
L-Thyroxin von Henning
Getting strenuous exercise.
On Pred and Flourinef and big difference since adding Magnesium
Constant monitoring
Stopped working as a teacher
Meide enzymzerstörende Einflüsse.
First, I believe having someone, my caregiver, assist me to research this disease, understand it, document doctors meetings, and adhering to the medicine prescribed by the doctors. carbidopa/Levodopa helped make a difference with my balance and coordinat
The right medication makes a lot of diffence
I also have Celiac Disesae
Doing yoga,painting, hanging out with my girlfriend and my mom
Changing the diet!! Eating healthier....
Always believe in yourself and listen to what your body is saying.
Sleep enough, eat healthy, drink enough and try to stay in condition e.g. walking, cycling
Lower my daily dose of hydrocortison en taking it 3 times daily instead of 2 times daily : 5-5-2,5 ug (can think more clearly now, feeling fitter)
Stress dosing as frequently as I need
Amazing doctor that diagnosed me because of my tan in the winter.
Having a good medical team.
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