Managing fatigue
Staying positive & remember there is always someone worse off than you!
Learning moderation.
No stress
Keeping active
Aprovechar los momentos con la familia al máximo
On 1 mg of Pred
Get plenty of rest
Kinerect 3x/day then 2x/day then once daily
Huge Family Support
Swimming makes me feel better, but not when I have a terrible rash.
prendre du recul ... beaucoup de recul et essayer d'etre courageuse et de toujours voir le verre à moitié plein
Mi internista se preocupa mucho por mi
Quando faço ingestão de fritura ou algo gordura as dores vem com mais frequências.
Mum and Dad taking me out for coffe regularly
Ne pas avoir honte de sa maladie
My husband pushed me to get back on my feet(literally lol)
El estrés causó uno de los brotes, es importante alejarse del estrés y practicar ejercicios de relajación
Mantenerse en movimiento
Desahogarme de vez en cuando contando como me siento
More exercise
Trusting in the Lord & letting him guide me
My faith in God & trusting that I can go into full remission again. (did for 11 years med free)
My work has been really supportive
Currently a student in Architecture
J'évite le maximum rester debout
I have tried to ensure my diet is cleaner to reduce flare ups
Pain management
My family is my support system, and they keep me going.
Try to have positive attitude everyday
Having support from friends and family
Learning my boundaries
Accepting the new me since Stills
Good health insurance & excellent doctors
Having less stress in my life.
My service dog
Doing my best to adhere to a healthy, whole food diet.
Sleep and rest are my mantras