great pain management Doctor
Attend doctor appointments
My husband's undeniable Love
Good docs
My kids
Doctors who keep trying to help even when they admittedly dont know everything. when they are willing to leasrn, priceless.
using medications and ice packs, staying hydrated and not over doing it.
Nabumetone (NSAID) for inflammation, especially in neck
Receiving disability benefits and not having to work.
Sublingual zofran
Laying/standing and sitting in the correct position
Giving up cokes, even though I love them.
I believe everything happens for a reason
sunshine, positivity and never giving up
Physical Therapy
Building relationships with people who are supportive
Needed Surgeries
Gentle exercising and drinking more water
Plexus pink Drink helped with a lot of my pain
Plexus pink Drink helped with a lot of my pain
Manter a calma e acreditar no melhor.
Apoio da minha família
Being in nature
Physical therapy
If my symptoms get bad I can have surgery, but the risks are overwhelming.
Facebook groups for support
i have alot of everyday pain.
Vimpat is latest drug we are trying for epilepsy it's doing fairly well so far
My pillow that gives amazing neck support while I sleep
My Facebook groups that are there when I need them
My husband / Family
Living life to the fullest
Seeing others perserve and fight and having music that carries my mood forward like "The Fight Song"
Meditation and medications
My floppy ear, dog.
Support systems including family, connections with other warriors and online communities.
Craniocervical decompression
O reiki e a terapia de transformação ajudam bastante.
Taking care of myself
In extreme pain 24/7
Taking the time to heal
natacion, meditacion y oración
remain as active and social as possible
Aprendi perdoar com o sofrimento.