Compression Socks (properly fitted)
My family and friends
If something is bothering you talk about it don't let things get bottled up inside.
Stay clean and sober
Stay clean and sober
Medication management
itsetuntemus, ympäristön tuki
Tiger Balm
Asking for help when life is too much
Preventative Migraine Medications have helped with the overall headache issue...
Water and organic food
Supporting mentors
My dad.
I take my medications faithfully
Visits to my Psychiatrist
Attend doctor appointments
Norco medication
Paradigm Shift
Working for the first time in 4 years. It feels great to contribute to my family and the community
Mis gatos me distraen, me sacan sonrisas en los dias bajos, me animan con con sus caricias y ronroneos, me hacen reiir, rabiar y acompañan cuando estoy en casa.
My two dachshunds who are always willing to cuddle
Medical cannabis
Low stress and minimal stimulation helps my brain prepare and rest for later events. Pre plan for your tolerance from previous experience and leave when it is time.
Creating stability in my life
communication at all times
Where I place the focus.. I will not be cured of thinking about everything thats wrong, but I'd feel better if I remember what I still can - and not what I once could
I have applied for and the lawyer said I will get it but it is a long process. My medical help has not began yet and going to get help
my three wonferful kids
Quinidine and Zofran to fight the queasiness
Still working on #3
Dont bottle things up
Listening to music
I am a survivor not a victim
Keeping appointments with my Therapist and not putting important things off
Healthy lifestyle/past coping
Talk to my therapist.
Y pedirle a Dios
Farmaci e Psicoterapia Cognitivo Comportamentale
I found a new dr
Quando a auto estima está elevada faço o tratamento corretamente
Pain is hard