Yes, absolutely! Although what you can do comfortably will depend on the severity of your symptoms and whether you are in a position to receive treatment. I have been a successful journalist, TV producer, graphic designer and web developer - but my tendency to burnout is extremely high, and I have never lasted more than 2 years anywhere.
I jumped from job to job frequently throughout my life, thinking it was s personal failing that I would do well in a job, but eventually just be triggered by something that would lead to an explosive outburst and a dramatic exit.
After my diagnosis, I realized that my work environment needs were different than what was offered in average workplaces, so tried everything. I worked part-time, I worked nights, I changed jobs. I became a contractor. The biggest helps have been learning to clearly identify how much space I need to be able to use my DBT skills, being able to set clear, enforceable boundaries, and being in charge of myself.
Mine won't be the case for everyone, but though I know that working will always be the most difficult obstacle in my life to overcome, I have been able to find a way to do it.