Learn to say no.
Avoidance of triggers
Support. The Bay of Plenty region of New Zealand where Tauranga is situated has arguably the best ME/CFS support Group in the whole of New Zealand.
Changes in the diet - change of job + part-time 50%
Making sure I get sun light and fresh air really helps me
Diet change... grain free, sugar free, lots of organic veg, grass fed beef, etc
rarely feel better, most days it's the same or worse.
Pacing myself
LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone)
Medical marijuana
The less I move (exertion of ANY kind causes pain & fatigue), the better I do
Not letting Doctor's say no, or that they don't know. Always push for answers
online support group
Having others finally realise I am really sick
Reducing stress
Pain meds take the edge off
Things that make me laugh
The help of my mum and my husband who have both looked after me so much.
Electric blanket great for pain
Food intolerances / Lifestyle
Hardest thing is staying positive when all u want to do is hide under your quilt
Increase vitamin d
To be under a team that accepts home visits. NHS too under funded.
Supportive husband
Having good friends online that you can just hangout and talk to without the pressure of leaving home
Bioidentical hormones
Don't beat yourself up if you can't do it.
Bañarme en agua fría y no tomar chocolate.
having a rest day after a busy social event
Naps are good.
Recognising I'm pushing self and resting
Vitamin supplements for deficiencies and immunity.
Choosing supportive doctors
distract my head so you do not have too many thoughts
I have a good support system. My husband is the best!
Chemical free food and lifestyle
CBD oil for pain and sleep
Especialización Médico tratante
Physio massages
Vitamine D3 und B- Komplex,Gabapentin, ß- Blocker
Surrendering to the loss of abilities
Taking care of myself physically and emotionally
Managing my symptoms, understanding that whatever I choose to do, I "pay to play"