Which are the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E.?

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. symptoms

Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.), is a complex and debilitating condition characterized by extreme fatigue that cannot be explained by any underlying medical condition. The symptoms of CFS/M.E. can vary from person to person, and their severity can fluctuate over time. It is important to note that CFS/M.E. is a chronic condition, meaning that the symptoms persist for an extended period, typically lasting for at least six months.

1. Fatigue and Exhaustion

Severe fatigue is the hallmark symptom of CFS/M.E. Individuals with this condition experience a profound and persistent exhaustion that is not relieved by rest or sleep. This fatigue is often described as overwhelming and can significantly impact daily activities and functioning.

2. Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM)

Post-exertional malaise is a key characteristic of CFS/M.E. It refers to a worsening of symptoms following physical or mental exertion. Even minor activities that were once manageable can lead to a significant increase in fatigue, pain, cognitive difficulties, and other symptoms. The exacerbation of symptoms can occur immediately or be delayed, lasting for days or even weeks.

3. Cognitive Impairment

Cognitive difficulties, often referred to as brain fog or mental fog, are common in individuals with CFS/M.E. These cognitive impairments can include problems with memory, concentration, attention, and information processing. It may become challenging to think clearly, find the right words, or perform tasks that require mental focus.

4. Sleep Disturbances

Sleep disturbances are prevalent in CFS/M.E. patients. Despite feeling exhausted, individuals may experience unrefreshing sleep and struggle with falling asleep or staying asleep. They may also have vivid dreams, restless legs, or other sleep disorders that further contribute to their overall fatigue and daytime sleepiness.

5. Pain and Muscle Aches

Widespread pain and muscle aches are common symptoms of CFS/M.E. The pain can be generalized or localized to specific areas of the body. It is often described as aching, throbbing, or soreness. Joint pain and headaches are also frequently reported.

6. Flu-like Symptoms

Many individuals with CFS/M.E. experience flu-like symptoms such as sore throat, tender lymph nodes, low-grade fever, chills, and night sweats. These symptoms can come and go, exacerbating the overall feeling of illness.

7. Orthostatic Intolerance

Orthostatic intolerance refers to difficulties in maintaining an upright position without experiencing symptoms. Individuals with CFS/M.E. may experience dizziness, lightheadedness, or even fainting upon standing up. This can be accompanied by an increased heart rate, palpitations, and shortness of breath.

8. Digestive Issues

Many individuals with CFS/M.E. experience digestive issues such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, and food intolerances. These gastrointestinal symptoms can further contribute to the overall discomfort and impact the quality of life.

9. Sensitivities

Individuals with CFS/M.E. may develop sensitivities to various stimuli, including light, noise, odors, and certain foods. These sensitivities can exacerbate symptoms and make it challenging to engage in normal daily activities.

It is important to note that the symptoms of CFS/M.E. can overlap with those of other medical conditions, making diagnosis challenging. If you suspect you may have CFS/M.E., it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive evaluation and appropriate management.

40 answers
Complete exhaustion all the time
Inability to mentally keep up
Chemical, light and sound sensitivities
Need to avoid large groups
Always fighting a cold

Posted Apr 17, 2019 by MEAction of CO
Not having enough Energy

Posted Dec 20, 2019 by ME International
Brain fog and pain. Violent muscle spasms while you try to sleep.

Posted Feb 21, 2017 by Catherine 1002
the fatique

Posted Feb 22, 2017 by Karen Lisa 302
The flu like aching pain all over my body, but especially in my lower extremities and the weakness that confines me to a recliner or the bed are the most limiting symptoms and the ones I would want to get rid of first. Before getting the flu on 12/28/09 I work full-time as an RN and rode a bicycle 200 miles a week for fun! The post exertional malaise (PEM) worsens my condition each time my symptoms remit enough to where I think I can be up and do something as simple as preparing my own meal and folding laundry, I crash! I think the next worst symptom is the constant sweats that leave me drenched and suffering chills. It's a never ending battle all day and my home looks like a Chinese laundry with wet pajamas hanging out to dry!

Posted Apr 6, 2017 by Christina Maria Cooper 350
For me, the worst part of this disease is how it affects my brain. I have trouble concentrating and remembering things. There are times when it feels like a bit of knowledge just falls into a black hole and nothing I can do will retrieve it. Also when I am thinking one thing and suddenly some weird word replaces one of the words I had meant to say. A word that has absolutely nothing to do with what I was trying to say like moon rather than car or something even more bizarre. There are things I can do that don't require a lot of energy, as long as my mind is firing on all cylinders. That is why for me it is the cognitive issues I find the worst.

Posted Apr 7, 2017 by Linda D 352
Chronic fatigue exhaustion weakness chronic pain

Posted Apr 27, 2017 by Miranda 406

Posted May 4, 2017 by Ben 1079
post-exertion malaise, fatigue/exhaustion, pain, orthostatic intolerance, brain fog, shaking, stuttering,

Posted May 4, 2017 by Nicolette 150

Posted May 11, 2017 by Lymie 201
Mental & physical exhaustion
Brain fog
Post exertion burn out
Sick all the time

Posted May 12, 2017 by missylob 1056
Feeling constantly tired with flu like symptoms as temperature, aches and pains (headache, nausea, tachicardia, dizziness, joint and muscular pain), sense of faint. Post exercize malaise. Long time to recover after work or after a walk ecc.
I would get rid of the permanent tiredness first of all.

Posted Aug 27, 2017 by Emy 2050
The every day exhaustion just being awake

Posted Aug 30, 2017 by Jaime 800
Post exertion malaise. It's grim, and easy to forget to pace yourself if you're feeling ok. You'll pay for it, though, so pace yourself!

Posted Sep 5, 2017 by Shirley 2050
pain, fatigue, insomnia, brain fog made worse by any exertion whether physical, mental or emotional.

Posted Sep 7, 2017 by 2560
Dragging exhaustion, pain in my legs, brain fog

Posted Sep 8, 2017 by Sam 1400
Intractable Headache
Diabetes Insipidus
Post Exertion Malaise
Loss of normal Cognitive functioning
Low Blood Pressure
Low Blood Volume

Posted Sep 10, 2017 by Sharon 1500
Debiliating fatigue malaise pain exercise intolerance sensitive to light noise chemicals foods a myriad of co mobidities alongside the illness its chronic and many are housebound and bedridden

Posted Jan 17, 2018 by Annette 2500
Mind numbing fatigue
Waking up exhausted
Too much pain to sleep
Tingling all over
Tremors during a crash or flare up
Muscle weakness in my leg making walking difficult or impossible
Total memory loss of certain events

Posted Jan 18, 2018 by Tars99 1050
Weakness that nothing changes; Fatigue that is disabling and no amount of sleep changes; Super-Sensitivity to light, sound, touch, etc. (ex: wearing dark sunglasses indoors; screaming when the cause is exaggerated to what is normal); Exercise Intolerance causing physical damage rather than any benefit; Cognitive issues which include such symptoms as 20% or less memory retention, brain fog, trouble finding words or being unable to speak at times; Pain of various kinds including random needle pains, pain coming from the base of the skull especially; Sensations of various kinds, seemingly random; Blurred vision.

Posted Mar 2, 2018 by Beti 2700
Endless fatigue
Non-restful sleep
Brain fog
Pain in extremeties especially the legs
Loss of strength
Chronic migraine

Posted Aug 9, 2018 by cathy 2500
Fatigue and weakness are the most limiting symptoms. I would get rid of the fatigue first.

Posted Jan 3, 2019 by Jeannie -400
PENE and PEM and Pain
Neurological impairment and Immune suppression
secondary chronic viral infections including and not limited to: HHV6, Shingles, caEBV, CMV, etc
POTS, OI, and NMH [inability to maintain an upright position, and the consequences of trying to do so]
autonomic dysfunction
secondary thyroiditis due to caEBV
pernicious anemia
I could go on for days
and secondary spinal MS
congenital cases of ME
infertility and miscarriage
intractable Migraines
Sensory overload
seizures other than epilepsy

Posted Apr 6, 2019 by Fadra 2550
Post Exertional Malaise
Sleeping problems
Severe Fatigue
Cognitive problems
Orthostatic Intolerance, POtS
Autonomic problems

Posted Aug 3, 2019 by Jessica 1200
Symptoms of CFS/ME begin with the "chemical flu" or flu-like symptoms caused by a previous exposure (acute or chronic exposure) to toxic chemicals. Flu-like symptoms may not develop until another assault on the immune system--virus, bacterial infection, mold exposure, immunizations, toxic mold exposure, prolonged stress, etc. The chemical flu progresses into more serious symptoms--neurological changes, inflammation issues, other system disfunction.

Posted Dec 12, 2019 by Joanna 6200
The conditions of ME are listed in the ICPrimer. Here is a link to that Primer.https://www.me-international.org/understanding-criteria.html

Posted Dec 21, 2019 by Pam 3550
Most limiting are....Fatigue & brain fog as well as fatigued or painful muscles.
In my case the first to reduce was pins and needles on my feet and hands. Restless legs, temperature control.
I would get rid of the fatigue first. Temperature control next.

Posted Mar 11, 2020 by yasmin1 300
EXHAUSTION, physically and mentally all the time. Brain fog. Achy ness everywhere. Weakness. Migraines. Feeling helpless.

Posted Jan 17, 2021 by Emmy 2250
Post Exertional Malaise (the worsening of your symptoms after exertion. This sets in 24-72 hours after exeterion and exertion can be as much as working out to as little as having another person in the room.)
(muscle) pain
Brainfog/cognitive dysfunction
Sleep problems

Posted Nov 18, 2022 by Arlette 1300
Constant Extreme Exhaustion, Sleep Reversal, Intolerance To Light & Sound, Bad Headaches, Digestive Problems, Swollen Glands, PEM, Brain Function Problems, Chronic Brain Fog.

Posted Jun 25, 2023 by June Johnston 100
Translated from spanish Improve translation
Extreme exhaustion permanent.
Loss/excess smell.
Loss/excess of taste.
Loss/excess of the sense of touch.
Loss of memory.

Posted Feb 24, 2017 by Anabel Albornoz Molinari 1076
Translated from spanish Improve translation
Tiredness, intolerance to effort and physical exercise, cognitive problems, viral reactivations,

Posted Mar 6, 2017 by Yabisa 700
Translated from french Improve translation
The state of influenza ; headaches , hot cold, sore throats be sore all over
Memory loss
Fog in the brain

Posted Mar 9, 2017 by Edith 1050
Translated from spanish Improve translation
Tiredness, weakness ortrostatica, headache

Posted May 12, 2017 by Marisa 1000
Translated from spanish Improve translation
Extreme tiredness, dizziness after sitting for 10 or 15 min of standing, dizziness when getting up... A feeling of having fog in the head q does not goes away.. Clumsiness.. - to not have the strength, you fall over things, periods of insomnia or hypersomnia, pain muscularessin inflammation.. Q give you the hand can aer a torture. Migraine headaches...Depends on the degree in q what you are and each persoma... Tb weight gain or weight loss for no apparent reason. Similar to a flu constant

Posted May 25, 2017 by Cristina 601
Translated from spanish Improve translation
Not being able to do anything that you want.
Stand up and the 10 steps to fall exhausted.
Do not sleep or rest.
Do not think about.
Difficulty in the reading.
I would remove the fatigue and to be able to sleep.

Posted Sep 11, 2017 by Eduardo Casasnovas 2950
Translated from spanish Improve translation
Being tired without previous efforts.headache due to fatigue .

Posted Sep 11, 2017 by Haydee de bielik 5120
Translated from french Improve translation
Fatique, aches and pains.memory loss,headache ,brain confused

Posted Sep 14, 2017 by Claire 200
Translated from spanish Improve translation
extreme drowsiness persistent
low body temperature
problems ortostaticos
memory problems
Intolerance to noises and smells and the light
sleep problems
body aches
lack of orientation and coordination
Investment day / night
muscle weakness (dropping things)
eyes dry and irritated
outbreaks of fatigue that prevent getting up for days, weeks, months - or years
Herpes in the mouth, nose, throat - eye(s)
Intolerance to extreme effort
stress can trigger an outbreak
intolerance to chemicals
food intolerance
the symptoms may improve but there is no cure
symptoms such as fatigue must be present for at least 6 months
.... and more

Posted Oct 19, 2017 by Heidrun Kroner 2000

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Stories of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. stories
Mine is a story of gradual onset MECFS.  I was in my late twenties when my life began to 'not make sense'.   This was in 1976. I had always been active in sports and was fully engaged in being a wife and mother of two young preschool children.  M...
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. stories
Mold Warriors by Dr Ritchie Shoemaker Gateway Press 2005 Chapt. 23 Mold at Ground Zero for CFS   The history of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) begins in Incline Village, Nevada in 1985. In the medical history of CFS, each of the concepts applies-...
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. stories
I wish that more MDs thought more carefully about CVID, PANS/PANDAS and EDS/MCAS.  If I had been diagnosed and treated earlier in life with Igs (instead of being called a hypochondriac and shuffled off to conventional psychiatry), I may not have end...
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. stories
I was your typical average teenage girl always out running around. always out scaring my parents because yet again i was doing something crazy like climbing a really high tree, or riding my bike to close to the duck pond, or going fishing and forgeti...
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. stories
Hi all Here is my story.... I started having problems with my knees when I was about 11yrs old, docs just thought it was growing pains and all they did was give me antiinflammatories. As I approached my mid teens I started sleeping in class althoug...

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. forum
Have you used Colloidal Gold and if so is it helping you at all?
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. forum
any supplement/homepathic med for adrenal fatigue insomnia (sudden awakening at night after 3-4 hours of sleep and then inability to fall asleep again)?
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. forum
 LBL did study of CO2 in air on thought and finds quite surprisingly, thought gets much worse if CO2 in outside air of 400ppmv, goes up from exhaled breath at 40,000 ppm, to raise room ambient to 1000ppmv or greater. Free reference: http://...

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