just learning to live with this disease
The super antioxidants I take
Watching everything you eat
Talking. Finding others going through the same thing makes you feel like you are not crazy!
Rest and reduce stress if possible
Get a good doctor
medicinal Marijuana
Strong will to keep on keeping on...
Taking regular meds and painkillers
being home and not stressing about having to go to work
My overall ability to jump every Hurdle that is put in front of me
Meditation and breathing excersizes.
My therapy dog and family makes me happy
Healthy Diet
other peoples ideas and Jesus christ
Carrier of CFTR gene mutation
A veryyyyyy longgggg recoveryyyyyyy
Not over doing physical activity
No alcohol. Low-fat. Turmeric.
Fentanyl patches.
I have a great Support System in life and also online
people who try to understand with out compareing my illness to theirs, or attempting to cmpare pain to a normal injury, those people are rare and it helps so much to just have someone listen with out comparing and with out judging.
La dieta sin gluten y sin lácteos. Paleo.
Buy bottles with clocks on top for your pain meds, you won't lose track of your doses.
Forcing myself to become more active.
moderation on bad days
Dieta que desintoxique o fígado e alivie as vias biliares.
Keeping stress levels lower.
Diet restrictions help, but still continuous pain (TPIAT scheduled)
Participated in a national television program about chronic pain.
I stay on a low fat diet
Hace 9 meses debuté con diabetes pancreatogena
Pain Meds