Treatments include high flow oxygen through non rebreather mask, Indomethacin, Verapamil and Prednisone. Oxygen doesn't always work for me.
Sumatriptan Nasel spray
Alternative Relaxation TX to help-massage, yoga, meditation & acupuncture
This one's really strange but if I can get to ice and put it on my face the second I feel that a headache is going to happen and leave it on there for 5 minutes the head ache it doesn't happen. I learned this trick from another person who suffers and I wa
This one's really strange but if I can get to ice and put it on my face the second I feel that a headache is going to happen and leave it on there for 5 minutes the head ache it doesn't happen. I learned this trick from another person who suffers and I wa
avoiding wine helps during cluster months
Preventative - 5 Meo Dalt
Nerve blocks!
Good family support and understanding
Anti inflammatory diet
Stopped Drinking and smoking Cigaretts
H old O n, P ain E nds
Rocking chair
O2, verapamil, sumatripitan
No medications
Training helps me keep the pain in a liveable level.
Educate people close to you
No precipitation
When life throws u lemons make lemonade
Access to high-flow oxygen and sumatriptan injections to abort attacks saved my sanity.
Awareness of latest research
Just started cycle and hoping prednisone and verapamil help
This illness should be's not a headache
Combating bad sleep habits, snoring and sleep apnea
Strengh for living
250 ml of Red Bull helps when a attack is on its way. Do one ice cold, just before the oxygen breathing.
Zolmitriptan at the begin of the attack
lorazepam (against anxiety)
lorazepam (against anxiety)
No red wine during episodes
Hyperventilating pure O2 via the demand valve is effective within 2 minutes (has to hypervent again after 10 minutes)
SPG Stimulator
Having family and friends who support me and know how to help me get through an episode.
Hope in Jesus Christ
Information on the Internet
Fresh air, oxigen
Coolong compress
Has anyone tried Verapamil?
Maintain a constant sleep schedule