my attitude towards my UC
Started Humira. Helped to manage symptoms.
Making sure I take my medication everyday
Support from my husband
Following a strict diet plan
Sunshine improves my symptoms
vsl#3pribiotic has helped
vsl#3pribiotic has helped
Starting on the treatment influximab changed my life for the better.
Major surgery July 2015 resulting in a ileostomy
4 cápsulas de Pentasa diarias.
My husbands and family's support. Knowing they are always here for me when I'm feeling my worst.
Taking stelara and azathioprine
Infliximab put me into remission, twice so far
I had my colon removed in 2012
Work less
Family and friend support
Humor & Exercise
alimentaçao correta e os medicamentos para controle da doençs
Keeping yourself busy doing what your body allows you to do, charties are a great way you can help from home
i have yet to find what is going to work for me. Medications wise. We are doubling my Remicade to 10 mg this week.
Having a food sensitivity test
Sugar, dairy and grain free diet.
cbd oil
cbd oil
On Humira and using different supplements to help keep me in remission.
Bowl resection surgery
Humira, Octredtide,Nucynta and Lyrica, and carbs and rest. What can I say, Thank you!
Aprender a vivir con mis nuevas no-capacidades
Tratamento médico multidisciplinar adequado
Moje rodina, která vždycky stála při mě a pomohla při potížích.
Sou mãe de paciente de 15 com Crohn de difícil controle
Being on gabapentin has helped
I don't let anything stop me.
Support from friends and family
Having a great GI Consultant
My rescue dog and 2 kitty cats
Pain killers
Gave up carbonated drinks