Being able to get all my medicines and taking them accurately
If you're afraid of needles like me ask for Emla cream it is amazing and you don't feel a thing.
поддержка близких людей
Take my Meds
IV antibiotics and my will to live.
Regular doctor appts
Goals; Mine is to be on American Ninja Warrior.
Poweraid when im sick
Eating A LOT of food, all the time!
Always take the medications!
I'm really adorable!
Now i'm doing families and will make another book
Physio therapy sessions once a week and always running around
Choc hospital in Orange clinic & staff !! #1
the salt in the florida area
Minha família sempre me apoiando
Waking up grateful for the life I have been given
Family Support and my faith in the Lord
Keeping busy with work, study and family
Faith in God.
Descobrir as mutações da minha filha e saber que ela é elegível para o Kalydeco
Alimentação com alto teor de calorias
Estar sempre em busca do melhor
Grupos em redes sociais com pessoas com o mesmo diagnóstico.
Planos para o futuro
Eine Patientenorganisation, die Unterstützung bietet.
Healthy Eating