Years of practising Meditation, Mindfulness have made a difference to my pain levels and depression.
Vitamin D supplements
Exercise!!! I spend a lot of time rock climbing and doing yoga. The physical exertion and mental training is so helpful.
Reducing stress levels.
A month of taking Gabapentin
Respect your limitations. Expand them gently.
Having my kitten
Good family support
My partner who always fights with/for me
My service dog(s). Without them I would be house-bound.
Energy healing
Deux de morphines skenan actiskenan et neurontin
Good Physio
Eating healthy
A doctor who listens, believes and truly wanna help you
Finally accepting my need for a wheelchair.
Trying to accept what I cannot change or influence
Opioid therapy
Anti inflammatory diet
My cat, Boom.
finding a support group with similar issues
O Médico é fundamental
My familys support
Vivre leplus possible mon moment présent plutôt que mon passé
Devoted and loving support by my wife (for Prostate Cancer - Hormon Therapy and Radio therapy)
A good therapist (can take a while to find the right one!)
Lumbar punctures, pain medication
Finding the right Dr. Who dosn't just chase numbers, switched from Synthroid to Armour Thyroid.
Eating clean food
Trying to be kinder to myself and not talk to myself in a way I wouldn't do to another person
IV Rocephin, other abx (Dapsone, Mepron, Doxy) + FMT
Bi-weekly counselling
Finding a doctor that looked for the cause instead of just treating my symptoms.
Learning to stick to taking my thyroxine regularly, on time, and checking levels often.
Read an old book
My wonderful husband who also has chronic pain, so he always "gets it".
The support of those around me
My son gives me reason to continue to fight my conditions!
Diamox and Topamax
Full hysterectomy plus oopherectomy
medicación homeopatica
I use cannabis for pain by eating it.