My mother constantly texting me to see how I'm doing
tried to reduce stress in my life
My psychologist
Going out more
Estar com pessoas cuidando de mim
Learning how to read a nutrition label allowed me to better dose my insulin- and understand why different foods have different effects on my blood sugar.
Relax, take deep breaths, do not look in mirror when anxiety increases
Talking with someone who has the same disorder.
Fidget Toys.
Water intake, enough sleep, fidget toys are my tools for success
We will survive this
I will have to come back and write my 3rd thing later.
Love eating.
Having own goals and working hard to achieve them
My furbabies
Still working on #3
Tangle toys can be great. I just need to force myself to use them.
Regular exercise, and meditation definitely helped reduce stress and improved my mental health.
Taking baths
Hydrocolloid bandages rock my world.
I joined a Dermatillomania support group on facebook.
Being in the nature
Quitting my job
My boyfriend supporting me even through the very rough times
began moderating a support subreddit for people with CSP
Stopped thinking about what made me unhappy
Deixar de beber alcool
Keeping a bag of Skittles instead of glucose tablets for lows- it's a quality of life improvement, trust me.