Joining support groups on social media and increasing my knowledge of effective and none effective treatments.
One day at a time
Seeking out a quality team of physicians
A comprehensive team of specialists working together despite being at different hospitals.
Having prior understanding of medical background experience has been so very helpful.
Finding the right doctor for me.
The unwavering support of my husband.
Listen to what your body is telling you
Water with coffee in it
Pilates classes with a physio has helped with pain and reconditioning
Good doctors
Have been doing karate for 11 years
Not over doing physical activity
My Friends
Healthy eating, staying active, and keeping a positive mind.
Ice cream
In extreme pain 24/7
Sal y mantenerme hidratada
online support group
Nothing is better for you then a smile
Mental strength
Tomar 2.5 L de agua al dis
Sleep good, eat healty, hugs, drink water
Ketogenic autoimmune paleo diet (more or less Wahl's Protocal level 3)
Going to school and being with friends - when she is able.
Hacer deporte
My will to survive
Drinking as much as possible
Keeping moving
I've learned to be my own biggest advocate. I know myself best, and I'm not going to let other people negatively affect me.
Finding other chronically ill people who understand everything I’m going through and have been through
moving to a low FODMAP diet
Service Dog
Lowering sugar intake
Avoiding caffeine and alcohol
animal crossing- i get to be outside but not
Consumir más sales
La familia y amigos
Making it my goal my become a Neurogastroenterologist to help others like me