There are 998 people in the Scleroderma map

Scleroderma life expectancy

What is the life expectancy of someone with Scleroderma?

16 answers
Celebrities with Scleroderma

Celebrities with Scleroderma

2 answers
Is Scleroderma hereditary?

Is Scleroderma hereditary?

5 answers
Is Scleroderma contagious?

Is Scleroderma contagious?

5 answers

Stories of Scleroderma

Scleroderma stories
In 1996 I was diagnosed with Systemic Diffuse Scleroderma. I had never heard of it, couldn't spell or pronounce it. Fast forward 20 years and I can say that Scleroderma has been a blessing in my life, not a curse. In 1996 I almost immediately was ho...
Scleroderma stories
I was officaily diagnosed in 2013 at age 52. My dermatoligist ran blood tests becaause I was complaining of the apperance of several red spots (telangiectasias) and Raynauds symptoms. She came back with the news that I have CREST syndrome, a c...
Scleroderma stories
Hello, my name is Claire. I was diagnosed with extensive Localized Cutaneous Scleroderma in December of 2012 at the age of 4.5 years.    
Scleroderma stories
It took me several years before I got  diagnosed. I even had one doctor tell me that it was all in my head. For years I always had an excuse for why feeling the way that I was, stress or taking on to much. Then finally I saw the correct doctor a...
Scleroderma stories
I was dianosed in the late 1950s with En Coup De Sabre Localized Scleroderma when I was around 5-7 years old.

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Statistics of Scleroderma

98 people with Scleroderma have taken the SF36 survey. Mean of Scleroderma is 1519 points (42 %). Total score ranges from 0 to 3,600 being 0 the worst and 3,600 the best. Take the SF36 Survey

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