There are 3240 people in the Fibromyalgia map

Fibromyalgia life expectancy

What is the life expectancy of someone with Fibromyalgia?

21 answers
Celebrities with Fibromyalgia

Celebrities with Fibromyalgia

5 answers
Is Fibromyalgia hereditary?

Is Fibromyalgia hereditary?

10 answers
Is Fibromyalgia contagious?

Is Fibromyalgia contagious?

12 answers

Stories of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia stories
Not long after the birth of my first child when I was 20, I started to have a lot of pain behind my left shoulder blade. This pain slowly spread up my neck, across my back and then all over. I went to test after test. I was sent to physios, chiros, s...
Fibromyalgia stories
My story has already been written and can be found at  Pages 30-34 in the online fibro publication called FibroFlare Magazine.  It can also be found in the PDF version https://dl.dro...
Fibromyalgia stories
Fibromyalgia for almost 30 years Tmj Menopausal Rectocele  Irritable bowel syndrome  Headaches Chronic sinus pain  
Fibromyalgia stories
I have suffered from fibro for about 10th now. I was officially diagnosed 5yrs ago. It's a daily struggle but try not to push yourself too hard. Take time for you, yoga is great so is wwhatever relaxes you like reading or watching a movie. 
Fibromyalgia stories
todo comenzo en forma fuerte el 2012 pero de mucho antes viene esto solo tengo que darme animo yo y rodearme del amor de mis hijos y nietos eso es el mejor remedio ya que no ay pastilla que calme el dolor que es dia a dia diferente en intensidad y lu...

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Fibromyalgia forum

Question 184
I would like to aks about alternative tretatments for fibromyalgia... has anyone experienced improvements with acupunture, meditation, ...?? Thanks
Question 354
I feel it is getting worse over the past couple of years

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Statistics of Fibromyalgia

1096 people with Fibromyalgia have taken the SF36 survey. Mean of Fibromyalgia is 969 points (27 %). Total score ranges from 0 to 3,600 being 0 the worst and 3,600 the best. Take the SF36 Survey

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