Change in outlook towards the disease by my family
Great doctor
Physical therapy, daily exercise
Heating pads
Having a baby that needs me allows me to keep fighting for my health.
Medical Marijuana
horse are my therapist , my physio and lower my pain better than morphine. o do pain mangement too
Physio Therapy
Meditation & mindfulness practice
Finding the right combination of medication but still have flares and etc.
Yo tomo amoxixilina y diacepam en las noches, un antidepresivo a media mañana, y eso lo complemento con Glucosamine, y todo junto me mantiene super estable
My husband, family, and friends
El aceite de cannabis me relaja y alivia
Prophylactic antibiotics
I don't keep being sick
Cutting out most sugar, alcohol, and gluten. No sugary drinks, only juice I've made myself. Lots of fresh fruit and green veges. (subsequently losing weight)
my doctor, who is knowledgeable about fibro, has treated me since being diagnosed! she's great!
heating pad
El conocer la enfermedad
Actitud positiva
My faith
Doctors that listen and care and keep looking for solutions. Supportive friends and family.
Hacer dieta
comunicación con mis médicos
My husband, who believes in me utterly, and is very willing to take up the slack that I, with my symptoms, create.
My Family
Actitud ante la enfermedad
Mantener una vida activa en los asuntos espirituales, más conección con Dios
Herbals, supplements and detox
After Humira failed I switched to Remicade infusions, just had 5th infusion and praying this medicaryyy
Arthritis water therapy 3 x a week
Finally getting a diagnosis, receiving treatment.
Keep your self updated on your disease and treatments, be a strong advocate and participate in health decisions.
Epsom Salt and Sodium Bicarbonate baths every 3 days or footbaths day and night
Yearly visit in Spezialklinik Neukirchen
My wheelchair and e-fix wheels help me go out again
Having a dr that listened and connected all my symptoms
My pets
Crutches * wheelchair * splints *braces * my pain melds changed my life
My faith and prayer
hot water bottle
Doing online college ( homeschool as well). Gave me freedom to rest when needed.
low GI diet