my friends are by my side
My boyfriend being there every step of the way
Find support groups, such as a molar pregnancy group like I've joined after my diagnosis
Ask questions and do your own research
Joined support group on social media
Let it out. Don't hold in your emotions!
Support from family and friends
Helping others & raising awareness
My 3 year old little boy little smile every day.
Don't be afraid to ask questions or call your doctors office
A supportive partner
I had positive attitude about what I went through.
9 years later having my rainbow baby
Support group on facebook for women who have had molar pregnancies
Rainbow baby Oliver
Hot Yoga
Spending private time with my pets, friends, and family.
Comfy blankets
The support of my husband
Great doctors
Seeking therapy for the emotional trauma of my pregnancy loss was deeply important.
Reading books
Research, research, research
Stay physically/mentally strong through yoga and pilates & eating cancer fighting foods
plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables
Don't hold anything in. If you want to cry. Cry. You want to scream. Scream
Sharing my story with others
my husband was a rock
2@ year survivor from stage 4 after a full term birth
Making friends with others affected
Accepting help from family and friends got me through it.
hope that it wont return
my doctors were amazing and so helpful
Charing Cross staff being supportive and remembering I am human
Surround yourself with those who love you, even if they have no idea what you're going through
Stay positive and hopeful
Lots of fluids
Understanding the disease and the treatments and what support was available.
Getting a pet, because cuddling up to something furry is the best feeling in the world
Finding out the sex of our baby and being able to name her.
Process the loss
Still deciding
Family & friends praying for me.
Having 2 more little ones...
Wonderful Doctor who kept me informed throughout the monitoring process
More greens and less carbs and processed foods
Lots of laughter and rest.
Soft diet