Less stress
Moist heat on affected sites
Full mastectomy with outer skin removed as well
Curcumin capsules with 5 black peppercorns to reduce inflammation.
Having a good Doctor that understands the diease
Rituxamab has given me my life back after the first infusion
Weaning off steroids
desintoxicar o organismo
Reducing stressors
Nerve medication for joint pain
Medical grade Manuka honey (+20 or above) - on leaking abscesses as a natural painkiller and anti-inflammatory, antibiotic
Eating healthy
Weaning off steroids changed my life
Draining the abcesses
mudança de hábitos alimentares
Medical marijuana is excellent for pain and all natural
Peace, quiet, and sleep. Hard to get as a mum.
Heating pad and draining
I'm in remission now
Eating healthy
ter pensamentos positivos