Educating my family about Addison's disease and my other autoimmune disease
Loved ones don't seem to notice it
Trusting myself
Learning as much as possible about my illnesses so I can advocate for myself.
Staying positive and active even on the bad days.
Trying not to give up, hoping for a better future
Avoiding stress and getting quality sleep is paramount
Helpful GP surgery when I feel things are changing - always willing to test if I dip (and wonderful with my dgt diagnosed at 5yrs
Putting less pressure on myself
Gluten free diet
Vitamine D3 (Cod Liver Oil)
modificar dieta y habitos
Water. Less sugar in my drinks, more water!
Friends and family
Slope pillow to sleep on!
La sicoterapia de apoyo y la hidroterapia, reducción de las horas laborales.
Support system
Investigar por mi cuenta
Opening up to those around me and letting them actually know what living with multiple chronic conditions is like and how it affects my whole life.
Being consistent about taking both T3 medication and Levothyroxine
MEDS!!! anti-depressants, melatonin, anti-anxiety, nerve pain, muscle relaxers.
Accepting my new normal!
Finding a good doctor
A positive attitude!!!
Managing stress has helped to reduce flare ups.
Topiramate and Sumatriptan are life savers.
Why gluten is in the stores???
Having others finally realise I am really sick
Gentle exercise / relaxation
Gentle exercise / relaxation
Switching from T4 only meds (like Synthroid) to Naturally Dessicated Thyroid
I'm still struggling with high inflammation and the side effects of poor treatment for decades
Finding AI Support groups and building community both online and in person. Finding people who truly relate is great for the soul and can also help us learn about new treatments, good doctors, and other resources.
Finding a good naturopath
My dog Lily
soaking in Epsom salt baths has decreased my insomnia
determination, and a lot of love for myself
I know my family is supportive.
Gentle exercise 5x/week.
Watch for swelling of the neck.