Treatment with methotraxate and humira
Family support
Gluten free diet
Autoimmune Paleo Diet
Gluten Free
Finding joy in little things
AIP diet
on NDT, not sure if it helps
watching my gluten intake
Eating healthy, fresh produce, no red meat
No sugar
Armour medication
Talking to other people with Hashimoto's
Diet (paleo/AIP)
eating glutenfree has made my life so much better
conocer en profundidad mis enfermedades, cuales son las expectativas y los tratamientos, conocer mi cuerpo y su funcionamiento.
My Family
Paleo diet
Going Paleo
An understanding doctor
Medication and finally being diagnosed
T3 only
Using good quality probiotics.
Natural desicated thyroid medication has helped a lot.
Positive attitude.
Getting off synthroid and/or levo or tirosnit - they do not work
going gluten free
Going gluten free
Synthetic medication Thyroxine and Tertroxin
Finding a Dr that follows Stop the Thyroid Madness
Speaking to someone who is managing their symptoms
Gluten free diet
Gluten-free diet = no more gut or menstrual pain, no constipation!
Cutting out Sugar
Going gluten free was the first thing I did - helped a lot but needed more so I added T3 - Brain fog gone!!
3 years on natural thyroid replacement have made my life livable 20 years on the synthetic destroyed me
loosing 100 lbs 5 yrs. ago
loosing 100 lbs 5 yrs. ago
23 and me
Finding a Dr that would listen and run tests!
My friend Christina has helped me in searching for different ways to feel better and has been my biggest cheerleader.
When I can follow the autoimmune protocol (diet)
No gluten
Gluten free helps