Hot water bottle and Nurofen
A doctor that is knowledgable and really wants to help.
Will not let this disease stop me
Dalacin T lotion
I use hibiscrub when I shower, just to make sure I can be as clean as I can be. (I mix it with soap as I have sensitive skin.
I've had skin grafting surgery, 3 times. The first time was my right arm pit and left groin, second was opposite sides, third was left arm pit again.
Apoyarme en personas con mi misma condición
le cannabis m'aide pour gérer la douleur et le stress de la maladie
Trying to be more positive and honest
Stopping alcohol
Have my good days have my bad days
Don't try and lance..let them run their course. Hot compress/Vic's/Topical Lidocaine 30%
I said no to surgery, I learned to become my own advocate.
A doctor that wants to help.
clindamecyna i rifampicylina zachamowała rozwuj
Covering with a snug cloth where possible. (ex. on my neck flares, I wear a snug cotton scarf and it helps protect it)
Take time to take care of YOU!
Medihoney for after they are drained.
giant bandages
Eating a healthy diet, having an ideal healthy weight, and exercising daily.
Eating better and more naturally
Medical cannabis
L'affectation de mes proches
[email protected] - Contact en Bourgogne : Christine : et Numéro de l'Association
A supportive family.
Joining a support group
My Husband is my rock
Loose fitting clothing
Kenalog injections
Being in control of my weight
Not letting it get me down and still living my life.
No processed foods
I have tried treatments and diets, they don't work.
Good specialist
Lots of turmeric
painkillers, hot baths, rest
Quitting gluten
Support of family & friends - and some understanding that while I may look fine, while I'm having a bad outbreak (several times a year) I am effectively disabled.
Avoiding nightshades has aided me in cutting down on flares
Stress reduction
Pain meds
Becoming more active.
Turmeric and zinc pills
A dieta sem leite e derivados é essencial
Less stress helps