Cystadane has helped stabilize my blood levels.
Stayed on my Betaine (Cystadane) daily
B-6 Non-responsive classical hcu; Under 2g protein/day
B6, B12, Folic acid, aspirin
Medications, PKU (Metabolic) diet, and formula
5,5 лет (с 2,5 мес жизни) на Бетаине и метионине
The support of my family helps me feel not alone.
Kept to my low protein diet
"Different foods for different people"
Removing ocular lenses improved quality of life greatly
Support of Facebook Groups
Сопутствующий диагноз эпилепсия: Кеппра, Топамакс, Ламиктал, Трилептал
The concern of my doctors for my well being makes me feel more secure.
Support with family and friends
Conferences where I have gotten to meet others with the condition that I never thought I would