Dermovate and Epiderm
An understanding partner
Soak in borax bath
Always looking for a cure
I went paleo and cut out sugars and gluten.
Borax soaks 2x a week
Bathing in Borax has helped my LS.
Regular sex
Never use soap on the vulva.
Nursing 2 babies
Vaseline as a barrier
Self awarness
Epsom salts bath
Twice a week steroid ointments for life
Sugar detox
Borax soaks and supplement
Dr. SOPER at MUSC, specializes in LS. Has taught me a lot.
Tulip Therapy with Dr. Coyle @ Coyle Instiitute in Pensacola, Florida
Access to a support group to share the knowledge of others with the same experience has helped.
7 week wait to see guynocologist
My son and husband
acceptance of my condition
Less stress
Borax soak
Nothing yet
Mometasone furoate for maintenance
Panthenol creme for dry periods without attacks
My wonderful, understanding husband.
I try to use distraction techniques when I'm struggling through pain or feeling anxious. Listen to podcasts, audiobooks etc to avoid need for hands to be up and aching holding a book. Or distract with other senses by using essential oils etc
Patient husband
Consequent smeren
Using coconutoil
Lichen uk support group
Listen to your body, it tells you, you just have to listen
Gluten and sugar free diet (anti-inflammatory)
Sitz baths
Diva Cup. Blood irritated the skin badly.
Learning and educating myself about the disease
Being able to talk about it
Lavender oil
Starting to use "clean/organic" products
A good balance of activity and rest
giving up sugar also has helped.
Avoiding stress.