slow down your life
to join Long QT support groups on Facebook
regular exercise
Receiving care from one of the experts in Long QT, Dr. Michael Ackerman from the Mayo Clinic, has helped me.
Chatting to my sister and friends
keep my diet
Avoiding alcohol
My ICD saved my life
Having a supportive husband
Finding out as much, but the right information about the condition has helped me to deal and help with it all.
Icd implant and betas
Having an ICD
The resilience of my son since he was diagnosed
A supportive husband and family
enjoy life never doubt yourself just because of your condition.
i have a tattoo of my heart beat to remind me of how far ive come from first blacking out.
minium stress and much sleep
I also have an auto immune disease called Lupus
Good nightsleep
Having an ICD which has saved my life
Struggle significantly since but try to have a positive outlook
Our family is very supportive of each other. Having lost our oldest son to LQTS we encouage each other to live the best lives we can with this condition.
J ai 2 enfants : Esteban décédé pendant la grossesse et micaela née en juin 2015
I'm the same person as I was before diagnosed
chocolate :p
portable AED always with me
to get information and support from the SADS Foundation
healthy diet full of protein and healthy fats
I have two sons that have this disease, and having a plan in place on how to deal with it, has helped me.
Healthy living
drink water
Healthy diet & exercise
The fight is never over learning to just live life to the fullest
Keeping a positive frame of mind has made a huge difference
This site has helped so much, knowing my family are not alone and so much help and surport . Thank you x
My kids
Try and enjoy life within the parameters of keeping me safe
The support of our family