I was treated years with ABX, by a wonderful LLMD in Townson Md.
Antibiotics for four years
trying to stay positive and trusting God in everything...
Saccharomyces Boulardii along with probiotics to counteract the antibiotics
Starting antibiotics. Doxycycline, nystatin, azithromycin
Doxycycline when my symptoms flare up
Bicillin IM injections
Rife therapy
1 year of triple oral abx therapy
Gluten free diet
my llmd n rest
Having my lyme friend Natalie giving me suppot
Medicinal mushrooms helping with pain
Going gluten, wheat and dairy free has helped to minimize many of my symptoms.
Pulsed oral antibiotic therapy--bicillin shots
Find a LLMD, very important.
7mo of IV antibiotics
Mold remediation/removal
Support from those who understand
Nothing definitively makes me better during major flare-up but
Pulsing antibiotics..
Family and friends support
Finding a great primary care doctor to support us and LLMD to help guide our treatment
If I an on antibiotics the best thing to make sure I didn't get sick was yogurt in the morning and at night
6 months IV Dozycycline, IV Flagyl, & IV Rocephin
Finding a LLMD
Finally a doctor who would accept that people in Australia have Lyme -even in those who have travelled overseas
Antibiotics helped but far too late 28yrs of thisdisease
IV Ceftriaxone, Bicillin shots
My 3 doctors
Epsom salt bath with lavender essential oil
Bee Venom Therapy
Minocyklin and doxyferm for 3 years
Find the Disease I have since no Dr were able to diagnose
My strong faith
Finding a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor and finding treatment
Diet Change: Following SCD, SPecific Carbohydrate Diet. No dairy, no sugar, no grains, no caffeine, no soy, no GMO.
A Lyme literate doctor
Detoxing regularly
Lyrica has been amazing in helping with the neurological pain in my legs and feet. And even helped with brain fog.....although dizziness has become worse.
Clean diet, no sugar or gluten and mostly organic.