Headaches/Neck pain
Amazing neurosurgeon, Dr. Eric Trumble
Sleeping on heating pad with ice also on forehead
Soft tissue massages
Gluten free diet
PNS Treatments
support of my husband
peppermint oil
Emotional support from loved ones
Correct posture
Pain pills
Limiting intake of food
Support groups are great to turn to
Dormir bem
Support groups for my occipital neuralgia.
Had Bilateral decompresion surgery in 2008 by Mr Martin Hunn in Wgtn. Only helped for 3-4 months
Had bilateral nerve decompression surgery that didn't help
Be proactive in taking meds- don't wait for symptoms to escalate. I set alarm during the day. LOTS of water!
support from my Son
Getting rest when I can
Bose noise canceling headphones. I can’t live without them
Great support from friends & husband.
My nephews and nieces make me laugh
Family/friend/pet support
Neurological Stimulator implant
Currently Gabapentin
Finding a hobby that makes ME happy
accepting the condition
Ice packs
Some mindfulness training and meditation
Migraine surgery
Maxalt or t3s during attacks
Life is not over, harder but not over!
Limiting sugar and carbohydrates
Decompression surgery of both the GON and LON
Palo Santo essential oils... It is the only thing that has brought me pain relief thanks to Heidi Sanchez!!
i love my car, it breaks foen sl8t but still 14 years old subaru imprezza P1. car is my fredom. other cars are difficult to drivr and heavy steering, way better thsn electric chair on bads i cant walk nor drive.
Diet, lymphatic drainage, physical therapy, CranialSacral release therapy, rife machine, alphastim, biomat
Having family/friends that understand and validate your illness
Getting enough sleep
Opiates and massage therapy
Music. Singing. Hot baths. TIME to renew my strength
The internet so I don't feel alone.
dont put a stigma on us, we arenot druggies
Hot shower