The support of those around me
Accepting who I am.
Knowledge and understanding of my condition
No me dan ningun tratamiento
Mindfulness & Meditation
Duloxitine helped my mental attitude
surgery helped some
Things that soothe her nerves. We've removed all the rugs in the house. Swimming. We're getting her a hot tub. Sometimes she uses the hair dryer to put warm air on her feet.
Having a good caring doctor familiar with treating TN, and knows the limitations of their ability.
Support from others who have the same disease
support of my husband
I try to distract myself with games I downloaded
Pancreatic stents
No pensar tanto en los problemas y alejarme de ellos si puedo
Finding a doctor who practices both alliopathic and alternative treatments
Supportive family
My dad has type two diabetes, so he understands how i feel when my bloodsugar is high or low
Losing Weight
Living to the fullest , lots of laughter & try to give tons of love
Having a supportive family
Medical books, journals and papers, as few medications as possible
My husband has been extremely supportive.
Great doctors
Supportive ftiends.
Keep moving even when I don't want to
Having people to talk to/type to.
Surgery for Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.
My Grandkids help me get my mind off the pain I'm in
My husband, he helps with many things around the house.
Rowdy my Dog
My grandson Jacob
Vitamin D levels should always be proper.
Positive Thinking
Dilaudid comforts me
Compression Socks
A specialist who cared
My wife that always has to win, is beginning to understand how I feel everyday.
My husband that supports me and helps me with everything.
At least 6 grams per day of sodium helps a lot, and since I hang onto water better, I can reduce my liquid intake to around 6 liters.
Lose weight and make exercise 3 times a week.
my family n friends who supported me through the really rough times
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