taking my time with things
Low stress and minimal stimulation helps my brain prepare and rest for later events. Pre plan for your tolerance from previous experience and leave when it is time.
Water therapy
Perda de peso
more rest
Acompanhamento médico
I have applied for and the lawyer said I will get it but it is a long process. My medical help has not began yet and going to get help
Eviter le plus possible toute source de stress pour minimiser le déclenchement de douleurs intense et de dormir le plus possible pour me reposer ce qui permette d'éviter de grosse crise de fibromyalgie...
Botox since 2016
Staying positive and active even on the bad days.
Support groups
I am a survivor not a victim
A positive attitude!!!
Pain meds take the edge off
remain as active and social as possible
Writing is highly therapeutic for me.
Pain is hard