I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle
Salbutamol has increased my stamina levels.
At the earliest possible age, Chloe was given a wheelchair to encourage arm usage. To this day Chloe still has good arm strength.
Always asserting and claiming my human rights
I'm very pro active in my health and do things preemptively (stretches, chest physio etc)
мой сын Елисей делает меня сильнее с каждым днем
Stress reduction
cought assist
care of me my mother
Для сына Артёма готова на всё. Вместе мы сильны!
Український реестр пацієнтів зі СМА http://csma.org.ua:8080/
Connected with good genetics team to assist with future pregnancies
It's not a "disease"; it's a "condition": Clean up your mental fog and embrace it!!
I have an organization which has members with SMA
My family and their support
I received acupuncture treatments.
eating what i want
Painting I'm able escape reality for awhile and go into my own world
Being strong willed and stubborn
Do as much as you can for yourself, as early/young as you can, and you'll end up independent much longer. Mentally, physically, emotionally, psychologically.
My parents that take care of me 24/7
Wake up with a smile.
Finding out exercise is ok
Aspiration doing to
Im always advocating for my daughter, do proper research and present data to her doctors; I have a background (Master's) in Molecular Genetics
I so much wish walking
Physio is painful, but sooo necessary!
Started her on the NIV protocol at 18 months
Blessed to have two wonderful daughters.
I can still go alone and that's what I enjoy, even if it is at small distances.
Любовь близких
Любящая мама
O v pap e o cough assist ajudam a não ficar doente...
Physiotherapy helping keeping muscle strong and practice good balance
Try to lower stress
The doctors at the hospital take wonderful care of me
Getting a trilogy 100 vent helped me breathe better and I don't feel as exhausted
Moje jedino
My Family
Blended diet has helped with several stomach related issues (constipation, reflux etc)
Never thinking I cant do something. Just finding a different way to do things. Having 3 children kept me on my toes too.
We were once determined we would not trach . . . traching has been the best decision made
Learned early to fight for myself and others
Talk about having a disability with disabled friends on internet
Talk about having a disability with disabled friends on internet
Believe in God