Having Untethering surgery in 2015 helped my pain so much
Writing a book based on true stories of chronic illness, chronic pain, rare diseases, and PTSD.
First surgery in 1998 at McGill/MTL Children's gave me a 99% asymptomatic life until age 22
Fé em Deus
My husband is a constant support
A good support system: wonderful husband, daughter, family, and friends.
Cannabis oil has helped me with pain and spasms in my legs, back, and bladder
Excellent Neurologist from U of Miami, FL Miller School of Medicine, Sylvestor Center
Apoio da Família
I never wanted to give up... I am a fighter
Seeing others perserve and fight and having music that carries my mood forward like "The Fight Song"
2nd surgery at Stony Brook (hopefully) stopped the progression of my symptoms
Apoio Psicológico