Amitriptilina, alivia mi dolor de cabeza matutino
Neurontin and Baclofen for facial spasms
Mi familia
Reading about condition
My sense of humour is the only thing that keeps me going
Family support
stay positive
Get lots of rest.
My Doctors
Drinking lots of water to help with dry eye and lack of saliva due to damaged facial nerve
Accept that your life is not going to be the same as before and move on with the new you.
Indomethacin for headaches and nerve ablation saved me from a life of constant head pain post surgery
la compania de gente cercana....que entienda y acompañe
Exercícios Físicos
Ponerme metas y objetivos en la vida
Botox para melhorar simetria do rosto
Don't give up
INCREDIBLE support system. Learn to say no and ask for help.
Researching this rare tumor as much as possible to learn all I can about it.
Being very open with my family and friends helped give me the support I needed
Knowing what to expect after the procedure
Keeping active
having a patient husband
Vestibular therapy
Family and church support
Support from my family and co-workers
family support
Quiet, predictable environment
Good weather, headaches when the weather is storming.
belonging to support groups
SSD Does Not Ruin Everyday Life
Getting more sleep
I have a positive attitude
Vestibular Rehab
Finding the right surgeons
A great diet with lots of fruits and vegtables, daily juice.
Staying active
Exercise to improve my balance.
Taking antianxiety medication
Non stressful work
Practicing karate kata acts as vestibular therapy.
Acceptance and take it from there
Good Neurologist and Oncologist
Eye Spray rather then drops
Loving supportive Husband