Question - Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP)


Sarcoidosis vs other pulmonary conditions

Asked 7 years ago Fjaviermanza 260

Have you had an embolism prior to sarcoidosis? 

3 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

No sarcoidosis or previous embolism here, just DFSP.

Answered 7 years ago April 19

just Dfsp for me also

Answered 7 years ago Harjopwr 21

There happens to be a Dfsp Fb group with 1300 members all sharing our experiences and info, it's a closed group so you have to be approved but we have had discussions about some of us having a plethora of other rather rare conditions - if your interested - fine group of people and more Dfsp experience in one spot then any other place i would bet - also a few Dr.s - Jerad Gardner Sarcoma patholgy Rockstar for one. 

Answered 7 years ago Harjopwr 21
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