Does Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP) have a cure?

Here you can see if Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP) has a cure or not yet. If there is no cure yet, is Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP) chronic? Will a cure soon be discovered?

Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP) cure

Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP) does have a cure. The primary treatment for DFSP is surgical removal of the tumor, ensuring complete excision with clear margins. In some cases, additional treatments like radiation therapy or targeted therapy may be used to reduce the risk of recurrence. Early detection and prompt treatment significantly improve the prognosis for individuals with DFSP.

Does Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP) have a cure?

Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP) is a rare type of skin cancer that typically develops in the deep layers of the skin. It is characterized by slow-growing tumors that often appear as firm, raised, and reddish-brown patches on the skin. DFSP is known for its tendency to recur locally, meaning it can come back in the same area even after treatment.

While there is no definitive cure for DFSP, it is important to note that the prognosis for this type of cancer is generally favorable. The primary treatment for DFSP is surgical removal of the tumor, aiming to achieve clear margins. This means that the surgeon will remove the tumor along with a small amount of healthy tissue surrounding it to ensure complete removal.

In some cases, additional treatments may be recommended to reduce the risk of recurrence or to treat tumors that cannot be completely removed with surgery alone. These may include radiation therapy, targeted therapy, or chemotherapy. The choice of treatment depends on various factors such as the size, location, and extent of the tumor, as well as the individual's overall health.

Regular follow-up visits with a dermatologist or oncologist are crucial for monitoring the condition and detecting any signs of recurrence. Early detection of recurrent tumors allows for prompt intervention and better outcomes.

In conclusion, while there is no definitive cure for Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP), it can be effectively managed through surgical removal of the tumor and, if necessary, additional treatments to reduce the risk of recurrence. Regular follow-up visits are essential for long-term monitoring and early detection of any recurrent tumors.

3 answers
Surgical removal is the only cure I know of.

Posted Sep 11, 2017 by Kelly 2100
I believe surgery cured mine.

Posted Sep 12, 2017 by Deana 2000

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Stories of Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP)

Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP) stories
I had the lump for many years till I disded to have it removed. I was at my doctor in January 2016 where she removed what we thought was a harmless “lump of nothing”, but at it turned out, it was not all that harmless. I had a new minor surgery a...
Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP) stories
I had my DFSP for about 18 mths before my daughter who is a nurse thought my lump had changed. It was blue/purplish in colour. I do remember knocking my arm whilst making my bed and it developed into a bruise, which basically never went away. It then...
Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP) stories
Husband had a large lump removed from his back in 2011. Had Mohs surgery after it was discovered it was dfsp. Five years later a bad cough led to an x-ray which led to a discovery that the dfsp had metastasized to the lungs and pancreas. It turns out...
Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP) stories
When I was 17 I had developed a small bump on my pelvis, thinking nothing of it ignored it, until my long term boyfriend finally convinced me it had gotten bigger and made me go get it checked out,mind you I was now 23. The first dermatologist I saw ...
Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP) stories
i was first diagnosed back in August 2010 , and had my Dfsp removed but there were some cells remaining and I was told not to worry about it,long behold , I had another lump appear in the same region and this time it had infiltrated my sternocleidima...

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