Celebrities with Kawasaki Disease

What famous people have Kawasaki Disease? Find out which celebrities, athletes or public figures have Kawasaki Disease.

Celebrities with Kawasaki Disease

Kawasaki Disease is a rare but serious condition that primarily affects children under the age of five. It is characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels throughout the body, including the coronary arteries. While it is a relatively unknown disease, it has affected several celebrities who have bravely shared their experiences to raise awareness and support for those affected by the condition.

One notable celebrity who has battled Kawasaki Disease is Olivia Newton-John. The iconic singer and actress revealed in 2017 that her daughter, Chloe Lattanzi, was diagnosed with the disease as a child. Newton-John spoke openly about the challenges they faced during Chloe's illness and the importance of early detection and treatment. Her advocacy has helped shed light on the disease and its impact on families.

Another well-known figure who has dealt with Kawasaki Disease is Crystal Bowersox. The American singer-songwriter and former American Idol finalist shared her personal journey with the disease during her childhood. Bowersox has used her platform to educate others about the symptoms and potential complications of Kawasaki Disease, emphasizing the need for prompt medical attention.

Bradley Whitford, the Emmy Award-winning actor known for his roles in The West Wing and Get Out, also experienced Kawasaki Disease as a child. Whitford has been vocal about his experience with the disease, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis and treatment to prevent long-term complications. His advocacy has helped raise awareness and support for research into Kawasaki Disease.

Additionally, Jason Alexander, best known for his role as George Costanza on Seinfeld, has a personal connection to Kawasaki Disease. His son, Gabriel, was diagnosed with the condition at a young age. Alexander has used his platform to share their family's experience and promote awareness of the disease, encouraging parents to be vigilant about their children's health.

It is important to note that while these celebrities have experienced Kawasaki Disease either personally or through their loved ones, they are not medical professionals. If you suspect your child may have Kawasaki Disease or any other health condition, it is crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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Celebrities with Kawasaki Disease

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Stories of Kawasaki Disease

Kawasaki Disease stories
My daughter, Aubrey, was diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease on December 15. 2011 at the age of 2. Her symptoms came on extremely hard and fast and was able to begin treatment within 48 hours of onset of symptoms. She first presented with a high fever th...
Kawasaki Disease stories
Hello to all, I am Ebony and my son Nick was diagnosed with KD at the age of 6 in 2014, he started out sick with headaches and stomach pain that led to vomiting and sweats that lasted for over a month before a dr was able to diagnose him, by the time...
Kawasaki Disease stories
My daughter Sofia was diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease on December 14, 2015. At the age of 3.  This was after I kept being sent back home from doctors and ER. I researched the internet and eventually stumbled over Kawasaki Disease, I knew instantly ...
Kawasaki Disease stories
It started with a big fever and sore neck, and she was unusually distressed. I knew from the start something sinister was at play. The first visit to the doctor that day saw she had enlarged tonsils. That night I went to emergency. Her fever was ragi...
Kawasaki Disease stories
On August 16th, 2005, Connor was finally diagnosed after a 3 week battle of constant 104.5 fevers. Many DR visits(special thanks to Amy H) for the support during those crazy office visits. We finally were sent to Children's Hospital of Wisconsin and ...

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