Story about Lipedema .

Never knew, always the CHUBBY kid

Jun 26, 2016

By: Kathy

I have primary lymphedema and secondary lipedema. Probably had it all my life. I notice now in pictures from the time i was 3 my left leg was always bigger. No one ever noticed or said anything. Drs just kept telling me to lose weight. Never could. Then I was told I wasn't trying hard enough....must be cheating. Had bariatric surgery, lost the gained. Now I take phentermine and victoza and am maintaining.

I have had several bouts of cellulitis. Diagnosed as streph, infection, only about the 5th time some one said cellulitis and sent me to therapy. 

I was 50. Almost 51 when I met Dr Correa and she did a lymphoscintigraphy and determined how poor my system was.I wrapped, pumped, did MLD. Got everything down and manageable. I wear compression, go to MLD and use a vibration plate. I also walk. I get iny pool when I can.

It was a great release to finally know ITS NOT MY FAULT!!! It is wonderful and sad at the same time.

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