What are the latest advances in Lipedema?

Here you can see the latest advances and discoveries made regarding Lipedema.

Latest progress of Lipedema
2 answers
The first great advance, is the spreading of knowledge. I suffered for decades and not one doctor suggested that I had Lipedema. I found it on the internet one early morning. Since then I have seen the knowledge spreading because people like me are determined to spread awareness among both women and physicians. The best treatment advances are in lymph sparing liposuction techniques. More doctors are training under the more experienced surgeons in Germany and bringing these skills back to the US.

Posted Jan 14, 2019 by Lipedemusikim 2500
advance liposuction techniques

Posted Jan 17, 2019 by mkokkinouboege 2530

Latest progress of Lipedema

Lipedema life expectancy

What is the life expectancy of someone with Lipedema?

7 answers
Celebrities with Lipedema

Celebrities with Lipedema

3 answers
Is Lipedema hereditary?

Is Lipedema hereditary?

8 answers
Is Lipedema contagious?

Is Lipedema contagious?

6 answers
Natural treatment of Lipedema

Is there any natural treatment for Lipedema?

5 answers
ICD9 and ICD10 codes of Lipedema

ICD10 code of Lipedema and ICD9 code

6 answers
Living with Lipedema

Living with Lipedema. How to live with Lipedema?

5 answers
Lipedema diet

Lipedema diet. Is there a diet which improves the quality of life of people...

6 answers

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Stories of Lipedema

Lipedema stories
My objective is to create awareness about lipoedema treatment by showing the journey of my own treatment at the Hanse Klinik in Luebeck Germany. I was diagnosed with lipoedema stage 2 in September 2015 by Professor Mortimer of St George's Hospital L...
Lipedema stories
I have primary lymphedema and secondary lipedema. Probably had it all my life. I notice now in pictures from the time i was 3 my left leg was always bigger. No one ever noticed or said anything. Drs just kept telling me to lose weight. Never could. T...
Lipedema stories
When you are eating properly, super active, exercising and still you legs and thighs expand.. I started noticing in 1988. Just thought it was middle age spread. Now I walk with a cane but I was  diagnosed  two years ago through my work with Lymphed...
Lipedema stories
My story is as long as I have had the disease. I know now that I was nine when it started. I have always had very big legs. I had been on diets and starvation diets for 55 years. Nothing worked. I now know there is a name to what is wrong and a way t...
Lipedema stories
I have lipedema since my teenage years but the diagnosisin my lowerlegs was 6 years ago. Mine upper legs was since this year. I can't walk for a day without the pain in my legs. I decided I go for liposuctions. Here in the Netherlands you have to pay...

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how can I find treatment centers to help me with my lipedema of the legs and ankles

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