Does Lipedema have a cure?

Here you can see if Lipedema has a cure or not yet. If there is no cure yet, is Lipedema chronic? Will a cure soon be discovered?

Lipedema cure

Lipedema does not have a known cure, but there are various treatment options available to manage the symptoms and improve quality of life. These may include compression therapy, exercise, healthy diet, and liposuction for advanced cases. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable treatment plan based on individual needs and circumstances.

Lipedema is a chronic condition characterized by an abnormal accumulation of fat cells, primarily in the lower body, such as the hips, thighs, and legs. It predominantly affects women and is often misdiagnosed as obesity or lymphedema. Lipedema can cause pain, tenderness, and swelling, leading to reduced mobility and a negative impact on quality of life.

Unfortunately, there is currently no known cure for lipedema. However, various treatment options can help manage the symptoms and improve the overall well-being of individuals with this condition.

Conservative measures such as compression garments, manual lymphatic drainage, and low-impact exercise can provide relief by reducing swelling and improving lymphatic flow. These approaches can help alleviate discomfort and improve mobility.

Liposuction is considered the most effective treatment for lipedema. It involves the surgical removal of excess fat cells, specifically targeting the affected areas. Liposuction can provide significant and long-lasting improvement in symptoms, including pain reduction, improved mobility, and enhanced body contour.

It is important to note that liposuction for lipedema should be performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon who understands the unique nature of the condition. Post-operative care, including wearing compression garments and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, is crucial for optimal outcomes.

While lipedema cannot be completely cured, early diagnosis and appropriate management can help individuals lead fulfilling lives with reduced symptoms and improved overall well-being.

It has control. It does not have a full cure yet. Firstly because it is genetics, and secondly, we can't change genes we haven't found as guilty.
6 answers
There is no cure for Lipedema. Dr Rockson and his team at Stanford are working on identifying bio-markers for the disease. He believes they care close to identifying one.

Posted Jan 14, 2019 by Lipedemusikim 2500
No, only treatments to improve the daily life

Posted Jan 14, 2019 by Annatogu 1800
Yes often in early stage liposuction cure.
In later stage it will still help. But maybe not cure 100% It is induvidual.

Posted Jan 14, 2019 by Camilla 1700
no there is no cure but there is treatment for lipedema

Posted Jan 17, 2019 by mkokkinouboege 2530

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Stories of Lipedema

Lipedema stories
My objective is to create awareness about lipoedema treatment by showing the journey of my own treatment at the Hanse Klinik in Luebeck Germany. I was diagnosed with lipoedema stage 2 in September 2015 by Professor Mortimer of St George's Hospital L...
Lipedema stories
I have primary lymphedema and secondary lipedema. Probably had it all my life. I notice now in pictures from the time i was 3 my left leg was always bigger. No one ever noticed or said anything. Drs just kept telling me to lose weight. Never could. T...
Lipedema stories
When you are eating properly, super active, exercising and still you legs and thighs expand.. I started noticing in 1988. Just thought it was middle age spread. Now I walk with a cane but I was  diagnosed  two years ago through my work with Lymphed...
Lipedema stories
My story is as long as I have had the disease. I know now that I was nine when it started. I have always had very big legs. I had been on diets and starvation diets for 55 years. Nothing worked. I now know there is a name to what is wrong and a way t...
Lipedema stories
I have lipedema since my teenage years but the diagnosisin my lowerlegs was 6 years ago. Mine upper legs was since this year. I can't walk for a day without the pain in my legs. I decided I go for liposuctions. Here in the Netherlands you have to pay...

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