Story about Phyllodes tumor .

A Phyllodes tumor story

Dec 22, 2015

I wanted to wait to get my mammogram in August.  I missed my annual appointment and thought I could wait....not my best idea.  My then 2 year old thought it was funny to headbutt my chest.  I noticed something felt weird.  So, in June I decided to go ahead and get my mammogram - found 1 spot,  which led to a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound, to an MRI (where they found a second tumor) then an ultrasound guided biopsy.  The first spot was a phyllodes tumor between 1:00 and 3:00 and the second spot a fibroedema on my chest wall.  On October 2nd I had both tumors removed.  The doctors took 25% of my right breast.  I also had reconstruction done at the same time.   Told the plastic surgeon to leave as much as he could in case I needed another surgery.  I am big busted so I had plenty to spare.  Lost 3 cup sizes.  So weird.  Now, I am in process of getting ready to have radiation. 

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