What are the latest advances in Phyllodes tumor?

Here you can see the latest advances and discoveries made regarding Phyllodes tumor.

Latest progress of Phyllodes tumor

Phyllodes tumors are rare fibroepithelial tumors that primarily affect the breast. They are characterized by a leaf-like growth pattern and can be classified as benign, borderline, or malignant based on their cellular features. While these tumors are relatively uncommon, ongoing research and advancements in the field have led to significant progress in understanding their biology, diagnosis, and treatment.

1. Molecular Profiling:

Molecular profiling of phyllodes tumors has emerged as a valuable tool in recent years. By analyzing the genetic alterations and expression patterns of these tumors, researchers have gained insights into the underlying mechanisms driving their development and progression. This knowledge has the potential to guide targeted therapies and improve patient outcomes.

2. Biomarkers:

Identification of biomarkers specific to phyllodes tumors is an area of active research. These biomarkers can aid in accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring of treatment response. For example, certain proteins or genetic markers may be indicative of aggressive tumor behavior, helping clinicians make informed decisions regarding surgical intervention and adjuvant therapies.

3. Imaging Techniques:

Advancements in imaging techniques have enhanced the preoperative evaluation and staging of phyllodes tumors. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound, in combination with clinical examination, can provide valuable information about tumor size, location, and involvement of surrounding tissues. This aids in surgical planning and reduces the risk of incomplete tumor removal.

4. Surgical Approaches:

Surgical approaches for phyllodes tumors have evolved to optimize oncological outcomes while preserving breast aesthetics. Wide local excision with clear margins remains the primary treatment for benign and borderline tumors. However, for malignant phyllodes tumors, mastectomy with or without axillary lymph node dissection is often recommended. Advances in reconstructive techniques have also improved the cosmetic outcomes for patients undergoing mastectomy.

5. Adjuvant Therapies:

The role of adjuvant therapies such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy in phyllodes tumors is still under investigation. While these treatments have traditionally been reserved for malignant cases, ongoing clinical trials are exploring their potential benefits in borderline tumors as well. Targeted therapies, including hormonal agents and tyrosine kinase inhibitors, are also being studied to improve treatment outcomes.

6. Multidisciplinary Approach:

A multidisciplinary approach involving collaboration between surgeons, pathologists, radiologists, and oncologists is crucial for optimal management of phyllodes tumors. Regular tumor board meetings and consensus guidelines help ensure standardized care and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and expertise.

7. Patient Support and Awareness:

Advances in phyllodes tumor research have also led to increased patient support and awareness. Online platforms, support groups, and educational resources provide patients with valuable information, emotional support, and opportunities to connect with others facing similar challenges. Increased awareness among healthcare professionals and the general public can lead to earlier detection, timely intervention, and improved outcomes.

In conclusion, ongoing research and advancements in the understanding of phyllodes tumors have significantly contributed to improved diagnosis, treatment, and patient outcomes. Molecular profiling, biomarkers, imaging techniques, surgical approaches, adjuvant therapies, multidisciplinary collaboration, and patient support have all played vital roles in advancing the field. As research continues, it is expected that further breakthroughs will be made, leading to more personalized and effective management strategies for phyllodes tumors.

8 answers
Website about Phyllodes tumors has been launched!

Phyllodes tumors are relatively rare. Therefore there is little information
available, even for doctors. In order to get more attention for this special breast
tumor, a group of volunteers involved has set up a website. www.phyllodestumor.org , which is part of www.phyllodes.net

The available information so far about Phyllodes has been spread over various sites,
trade journals and support groups. For www.Phyllodestumor.nl, volunteers
have brought all available information in one place.
The site has been set up to share the knowledge about this rare tumor with both
patients and physicians. On www.phyllodestumor.org articles and information about this rare form of breast tumors are readily available.
In addition, the site provides information about the different forms, treatment
methods, prognoses and risks of Phyllodes tumors.

The content of the site was developed in collaboration with breast cancer surgeon Mr. F. van Duijnhoven (AVL A’dam).

Launch: Thursday 6 September 2018 4 pm
Antoni van Leeeuwenhoek hospital
Plesmanlaan 121
1066 CX Amsterdam

For more information about Phyllodes tumors, please visit www.phyllodestumor.org

Posted Aug 29, 2018 by Phyllodesfoundation.com
It is a rare cancer .
Surgery and radiotherapy so far have been the only successful method of dealing with the cancer

Posted Oct 8, 2017 by 1200
You can read a lot of information in the internet. The best is to find a very good doctor who is up-to-date with this desease can do not get too confused by the media

Posted Nov 26, 2017 by Sabrina 2500
Diagnosis is usually rapid - as is treatment - a scary place to be but the medical profession is amazing

Posted May 6, 2018 by Marie 2500
In place of radiation look into Proton Beam Therapy for radiation. This method targets a more specific area and has less long term side effects than radiation.

Chemotherapy is recently being explored for preventing future metastasis in high grade malignant tumors. The chemo drugs I am having are Epirubicin and Ifosfamide with Mesna.

Posted Apr 21, 2019 by Ashlie 1800
There is much conjecture as to treatment of PT.
Minimum margins of 1cm are standard but not always adhered to. Some suggest chemo and rads but most agree they provide little to no benefit. Standard treatment for a MPT is mastectomy with or without reconstruction.

Posted Aug 10, 2020 by Simone Lovett 2550
There is very little research because it is so rare.

Posted Sep 26, 2020 by Lucy 3570

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Stories of Phyllodes tumor

Phyllodes tumor stories
In February 2015 I found a lump in my right breast. I was diagnozed with fibroadenoma, but it appeared to be a benign PT (2 cm., surgery in March). No margins taken although the initial path report stated BPT. Final path report confirmed no clear tis...
Phyllodes tumor stories
I had what was termed a harmless fibroadenoma removed in June of 2007. At the age of 33, I had my first baby and was nursing him. He was born in December. The following November, I noticed that my scar tissue felt different. I had an ultrasound and ...
Phyllodes tumor stories
After years of multiple lumpbectomies ,seeing a oncologist due to my sister having breast cancer ,my high risk and Years of mammograms, ultrasounds and breast MRIS. My Dr. Advised me to get a prophylactic mastectomy due to things still being found an...
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My MPT started a year after constant stress and caring for a partner with cancer. I had no time for myself to keep my stress levels down and I believe this is the reason I became ill. Though doctors had some knowledge of the disease it was not I fel...
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I felt a rather large Lump in my Left Breast at the 2 O'Clock position. I was just due for my Mammogram and scheduled it. A subsequent needle biopsy showed MPT with Liposarcoma component. I am scheduled for a bilateral Mastectomy 8/18/15 with reconst...

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