Story about Pre-eclampsia .

A Pre-eclampsia story

Feb 29, 2016

My name is Kimberly Moore! I have a 2 year old daughter! I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd baby last year(2015) in may! At my first appointment I was told I was high risk. My blood pressure was really high. Week after week they kept putting off putting me on meds. When I was 23+6 weeks I went in for my check up and they found protein in my urine so I was sent to the hospital to have testing done and to find out I had server precclamsia. My kindeys were failing. My blood pressure was really high. I signed papers to have an emergency c-section but I was never rused. I was put on mag, had a steroid shot to help his lungs. On October 5 2015 I was told my baby boy passed. I was so devastated! On October 6th 2015 I gave birth to him. He was only 1lb 5oz, 11in long. He was my only son. 

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1 comment

I am so sorry for your loss

Commented 8 years ago Kaila 30

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