Retinitis pigmentosa prognosis

What is the prognosis if you have Retinitis pigmentosa? Quality of life, limitations and expectatios of someone with Retinitis pigmentosa.

Retinitis pigmentosa prognosis

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a genetic eye disorder that causes the gradual deterioration of the retina, leading to vision loss and potentially blindness. It is estimated to affect around 1 in 4,000 individuals worldwide.


The prognosis for individuals with retinitis pigmentosa can vary widely depending on several factors, including the specific genetic mutation involved, the age of onset, and the rate of disease progression. While RP is a progressive condition, the rate of vision loss can differ significantly from person to person.

Early Symptoms and Progression:

Initially, individuals with RP may experience difficulty seeing in dimly lit environments or at night (night blindness). As the disease progresses, peripheral vision gradually diminishes, leading to tunnel vision. In advanced stages, central vision may also be affected, resulting in significant visual impairment.

Genetic Factors:

RP is a genetically heterogeneous disorder, meaning it can be caused by mutations in various genes. Some forms of RP have a slower progression and may result in milder vision loss, while others can lead to more rapid deterioration and severe visual impairment.

Treatment and Management:

Currently, there is no known cure for retinitis pigmentosa. However, there are several management strategies aimed at slowing down the progression of the disease and maximizing remaining vision. These may include the use of low-vision aids, orientation and mobility training, genetic counseling, and participation in clinical trials exploring potential treatments.

Research and Hope:

Advancements in genetic research and emerging therapies, such as gene therapy and retinal implants, offer hope for the future treatment of retinitis pigmentosa. Ongoing clinical trials and scientific studies are actively investigating these potential interventions, aiming to improve visual outcomes and ultimately find a cure.


Retinitis pigmentosa is a complex eye disorder with varying prognoses. While the disease causes progressive vision loss, the rate and severity can differ among individuals. Although there is currently no cure, ongoing research and advancements in treatment options provide optimism for improved outcomes and potential future therapies.

2 answers
RP will start with peripheral vision issues and then total blindness eventually. there is no cure. if you do not feel safe driving anymore it is recommended that you find an alternative so you do not hurt yourself or someone else.

Posted Jan 13, 2018 by Anders 2500

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Stories of Retinitis pigmentosa

Retinitis pigmentosa stories
It's pretty simple.  Started when I was 22 or so. My mom has RP and my sister has vision trouble as well. I knew I had RP rather soon after but spent years fighting the changes I needed to make to my lifestyle. Hell, I still do. RP folks tend to be...
Retinitis pigmentosa stories
I was diagnosed with autosomal dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa when I was 14. I inherited it from my dad. I was declared legally blind (less than 20 degrees of vision) when I was 20. I am currently 28, and I have 5 degrees left. I also have cystoid mac...
Retinitis pigmentosa stories
I'm not going to write personal information here. But I do encourage you to contact me if you have RP or Coats Disease. I have never met or known anybody else who has Coats, so that would be particularly interesting. We might be able to share informa...
Retinitis pigmentosa stories
AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE RP - GENE PDE6B PATHOGENIC MUTATION HETEROZYGOUS (C.892C>T (P.GIN298*)) I was diagnosed with RP in 2012, aged 32, after my boyfriend at the time insisted I go and get my eyes checked. He once brought me a glass of water during ...
Retinitis pigmentosa stories
Father of a beautiful girl, 7 years of age with RP

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Retinitis pigmentosa forum
how can you live with this disese?
Retinitis pigmentosa forum
Another question... Do you still have a job? Or is it too difficult to work with your RP? I do have a job, but it is not so easy and it is very exhausting for my eyes...
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I love to travel! I have a vision of only 3°, but I really want to see the world! The noises, the smell, the kind people, to be on the road, I love it! Where have you guys been to and what are your favorite destinations?

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