Question - Tarlov Cyst


Tarlov Cyst treatment

Asked 8 years ago Carol 10

What is the best treatment for Tarlov Cyst?

1 answer | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

i'm not sure there's a good answer for this because everybody has a different situation.  My cysts were located at the base of my spine and discovered through an MRI that was ordered prior to pelvic prolapse surgery.  I told my GYN doctor that I had severe low back pain and leg pain so when she saw the cysts on the MRI she referred me to a neurologist who had done Tarlov cyst removal surgery on the number of people.   He typically only did surgery for people that had symptomatic pain.  Dr. Schrot removed my cysts - and I would say the surgery was a success because my pain diminished immensly.  You should see a neurologist to determine the best course of action for your Tarlov Cysts.

Answered 8 years ago Debra Starbuck 10
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