Is Arachnoiditis hereditary?

Here you can see if Arachnoiditis can be hereditary. Do you have any genetic components? Does any member of your family have Arachnoiditis or may be more predisposed to developing the condition?

Is Arachnoiditis hereditary?

Arachnoiditis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the arachnoid, a membrane surrounding the spinal cord. While the exact cause of arachnoiditis is unclear, it is not considered to be hereditary. It is believed to be caused by various factors such as infections, trauma, or certain medical procedures. Arachnoiditis is not passed down from parents to children through genetic inheritance.

Arachnoiditis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the arachnoid, one of the membranes that surround and protect the nerves of the spinal cord. It can cause severe pain, numbness, and other neurological symptoms.

When it comes to the hereditary nature of arachnoiditis, there is currently no evidence to suggest that it is a genetic or inherited condition. Arachnoiditis is typically caused by certain factors such as trauma to the spine, spinal surgery, infections, or exposure to certain chemicals. These factors can lead to inflammation and scarring of the arachnoid membrane, resulting in the symptoms associated with arachnoiditis.

While arachnoiditis itself is not hereditary, it is important to note that some individuals may have a predisposition to developing the condition due to certain genetic factors. These genetic factors may make some individuals more susceptible to the underlying causes of arachnoiditis, such as infections or inflammation. However, it is crucial to understand that having a genetic predisposition does not guarantee the development of arachnoiditis.

It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis of any medical condition. They can provide personalized information and guidance based on an individual's specific medical history, symptoms, and family background.

14 answers
According to recent studies Arachnoiditis can be hereditary.


No however there are congenital body makeup of spi es which can lead to causing arschnoiditis more easily

Posted May 18, 2019 by nancy 2500
No. It is caused by an injury or surgery of the spine.

Posted Jul 20, 2019 by Kelly 5450
No it’s primarily caused by medical error or malpractice. In some rare cases it can be caused by certain types of natural infections or meningitis for example. Currently the leading cause its from epidural injections of any kind

Posted Dec 9, 2019 by Josh 2600
Yes I believe this is hereditary but I don’t think there is any research to support my theory

Posted Jan 5, 2020 by Jcrandall72 2500
I do believe that it isn’t.

Posted Jan 5, 2020 by Deerut1963 2400
No it's primarily caused by medical error or malpractice. In some rare cases it can be caused by certain types of natural infections or meningitis for example. Currently the leading cause its from epidural injections of any kind.

Posted Jan 7, 2020 by Staplehurst17 4050
It is rare, but can be.

Posted Jan 8, 2020 by Rhonda 1600
No, was once believed to be so but no evidence has been found. Whilst the medical profession uses a possible genetic cause as a possibility this normally means they really don’t know

Posted Jul 9, 2020 by Derek 3000
Nope. Only caused by doctors.

Posted Mar 20, 2021 by Anna 2300
there are very few cases known.

Posted Jul 22, 2021 by Vincent 3420
It may be. Our research group ACMCRN (Arachnoiditis and Chronic Meningitis Collaborative Research Network) are interested in this question and are working towards finalizing the infrastructure needed to start genetic studies. Our most recent study at www.bit.ly/Arachnoiditis_Research has nearly 800 participants. 50% report an autoimmune disease and another 20% are being investigated for one. Autoimmune disease tends to have a genetic component, hence there is a possibility of increased risk of developing with certain genetic issues.
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Posted Nov 15, 2021 by ACMCRN 2200
Not to my knowledge

Posted Jan 7, 2022 by Machinetoolmkr 5550

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Stories of Arachnoiditis

Arachnoiditis stories
I had a sporting accident aged 21 years and crushed two discs. Had myleogram and airogram which began the severe Degeneration of nerves in spinal cord. After three surgeries managed for several years although discs kep prolaosing. Then in 1994 other ...
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I injured my back in 1992. 5 surgeries and 4-5 epidurals later I was diagnosed with AA.  I worked as a nurse for over 35 years and had never heard of Arachnoiditis. Now I am unable to work due to the pain and discomfort,  can't stand sit or walk fo...
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i went in to get a bulged disc in my back fixed and the dr cut my dura accidentally and didn’t bother to fix it. Lied and tried to hide it. It’s been 6 years now and this curse ruined my life. This disease is true hell on earth and there's is no ...
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I had a cyst removed on my first back surgery and it helped until I was in a car accident 6 months later. I then started to seek out help for my back pain. About 8 yrs later and a unbelievable amount of injections I had a fusion done in 2013. After t...
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Adhesive Arachnoiditis for 8 years after epidural steroid injections Spondylolisthesis for 3 years

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