Story about Ataxia .

Hit Like a Ton of Bricks

Oct 9, 2021

Year Condition Began: 2021

I am newly diagnosed at age 51. After months of reflection I can now see where there were signs and symptoms that were dismissed as something else. Even been accused of being drunk and on drugs. A severe stressful incident was the onset. I thought it would clear up so I just rested but by the 4th day of weakness, muscles feeling like i just ran a marathon, there was no denying it. Something was wrong.
I went to the ER. Immediately they thought I had a stroke in my sleep. I was admitted. 3 MRIs and 1 CAT scan later the neurologist couldn't tell me anything. Avoid Bayshore hospital if at all possible. The neurologist told me I wasn't worth her time because she didn't accept my insurance and no neurologist does so it was pointless for her to do anything.
I already had a case manager for PTSD. I told her about it and also some recent vision changes. She sent me to a different hospital and I wish I could say I had a better experience. While laying in a hospital bed all day, day after day the few times you get up can seem quite normal to others. So I was told I had nothing wrong with me but disintegrating intarvertibral disks.
Finally, I got into see my primary doctor who had combed over the hospital files very carefully and test results. She diagnosed me with Ataxia in September of 2021. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it as I used to be highly agile and dexterous with dance and gymnastics, biking, etc.
I spend a lot of time laying in bed because I seem to shake less and it gives me the illusion of being normal. I'm still learning but one thing is for sure. The rest of my life is not going to be anything like I had imagined or hoped. But I've had an amazing life before now an done many things most never even get close to doing. So at least I have that satisfaction. Ataxia isn't just a new chapter. It is a whole other book.
If you have this too, I pray for God to bless whoever reads this and suffers from this. In Jesus's name let there be a peace and calm that guides your way and that you may know that the Lord is with you in every moment to be with you on your journey.
Peace, Love & Light,
Another Survivor
Story about Ataxia

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